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Thursday, November 11, 2010

When you say, I cant solve this


God tells you, I will direct your path.

When you say, its impossible

God tells you, everything is possible

When you say, I feel alone

God tells you, never will I leave you,

Never will I forsake you

When you say, I cant do it.

God tells you, I can do everything through

him who gives me strength.

When you say, I dont deserve forgiveness

God tells you, I have forgiven you

When you say. I am tired

God tells you, come to me, all you who are weary

burdened and I will give you rest

When you say, no one really loves me

God tells you, I LOVE YOU.

When you say, I dont know how to go on

God tells you, I will show you the path.

When you ask,what path does u (god) have for me

God tells you,to adopt the path of humanity.

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