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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Power and Priorities

"When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she rose and destroyed all the royal offspring. But Jehosheba...took Joash the son of Ahaziah...They hid him from Athaliah, and he was not put to death." - 2 Kings 11:1-2 

Athaliah was addicted to power. Her grandfather was Omri, one of Israel's more evil kings. Her parents, Ahab and Jezebel, were even more notorious. In fact, Jezebel perhaps was the most evil queen in Israel's history, refusing to relinquish power long after Ahab died. She was defiant, even in her death.

As part of a political alliance, Athaliah was given in marriage to Jehoram, Judah's future king. Her son, Ahaziah, became king at Jehoram's death.

But, following her mother's example, Athaliah would not give up power when Ahaziah died. She was so ruthless that she had her own grandchildren killed. Joash (her grandson) was spared only because he was hidden and protected by the priest, Jehoiada.

Athaliah could have had a positive influence, but instead, she dedicated her life to gaining and keeping power. In the end, she left a legacy of selfishness and fear. She died alone, unloved, and the people "rejoiced" at her death.

Over time, many have followed her example-self-centered leaders of nations, businesses, and families, who are addicted to power and control.
The story of Athaliah reminds us of Jesus' teaching that "whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
If we really want God's blessings, we must be servants. We need to deny ourselves and take up our cross each day and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24-25). We need to be ready and willing to train and disciple others.

Don't waste your life relentlessly holding on to power or building a personal kingdom. Seek to serve Jesus. Seek the things that will last, and be a blessing to others.

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