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Friday, May 27, 2011

A Woman's Gift

"Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."

                                       The disciples were angry and confused. They watched as a woman poured very precious ointment on the head of Jesus. To them, this was extremely wasteful. They thought, "This ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor" (v. 9 NLT). Yet Jesus didn't seem upset. In fact, He had an entirely different perspective on what this woman had done.

In Jesus' sight, she had done "a good work" (v. 10). While the disciples seemed to be concerned with the poor, He reminded them that the poor would always be with them. In contrast, He would be with them for only a short time. In addition, her act was preparing His body for burial.

                  The actions of this woman proved to be the final straw for Judas. After hearing Jesus' remark, he went to the chief priests to betray Him. He had not understood the principles Jesus tried to teach. More interested in his own agenda and his own understanding, he was unwilling to place Jesus first.

                            For those who have ears to hear, this woman is still remembered. Her gift showed how much she loved Jesus. It was a gift that cost her something, and it was precious in His sight.

                  There are many things we can do with the money and resources we've been given. But ultimately, the most important things in our lives are the things we do for the Kingdom of God. For Jesus!

                             Today, you have an opportunity to demonstrate your love for Jesus with what you do with your time, talent, and treasure. What memorials are you leaving to reflect your love for Him? How will He remember you for what you do with your resources? 

                             Offer yourself wholeheartedly to Him, and seek first His Kingdom. Make your life a blessing!

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