I love you!!!
That is God's intense heart cry.
Intense, deep love for you.
Even if you don't see him.
Even if you don't notice his presence.
Even if he seems to be lightyears away.
What you feel is irrelevant.
He loves you anyway.
With a burning passion...
Very few people really experience
the deep, passionate love of God.
What most people think about God,
is miles away from the truth.
Unfortunately, even the image
many churches portray about God
radically contradicts the reality
of who he truly is.
Why is that?.
3 Most people don't know God's lovebecause they don't know God personallly.Even those who do believe in God,often have a superficial relationship with him.Because of that, they give a completelywrong impression toward other people.Many claim to know God, but there areonly a few who really know him up close.There are not many who truly havea deep heart-relationship with God.God is too distant, too unknown, as far as our feelings are concerned...
4. God sees it all
Still there are few who have the courageto admit to this reality. We all thinkof ourselves that we are pretty much okay.But when we examine our deepest thoughtsand feelings, we have to recognizethat we aren't exactly as good and lovingas we would like others to think we are....Many houses look quite decentand taken care of on the outside,but what goes on inside these nice homesis often awful: abuse, arguments, divorce,dishonety, humiliation, hate, jealousy,bullying, theft, adultary, loneliness...Only God sees all the junk,in the hidden lives of everyone of us.
5 God still loves us
This evil in our lives and minds is however not a reason for God to write us off. No, he still wants to overwhelm us with his deep, passionate love. He wants to cleanse from every bit of filth in our hearts and he wants to give us a brand new life.He also wants to save us from the consequences of our wrong choices. The Bible speaks about the final judgement God will bring upon all who have chosen for selfish, impure ways.He wants to save us from this eternal punishment.
6 God wants to change you
God knows the devastating effectssin has brought with it. He knowsthe sufferings innumerable peoplehave already pronounced over themselvesin eternity, by ignoring him and stubbornly choosing to do their own will.He wants to save you from these eternal effects. God has a brand new way of life for you. And he gives it for free! God wants to pour out so much of his love over you, that it will satisfy your deepest needs and transform you into a whole new person.Then you will become a shining light in this darkened world.
7 You can bring change You can become different.
You can become an instrument of God's love.You can become a messenger of hopefor this world, who refuses to know Godand, through that choice,pushes itself away from his love and hope.You can bring change.How?
8 A light of hope You can become a shining light, through developing an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the One who came, to save this world from its downfall. He is the One who gave His own life, to set us free from our sins. And He is the One that can make you into a bright light in this world. A light of hope, life and freedom in God.This website helps you know Jesus Christin a true and intimate way. What we tell you is not a theory. There are plenty of 'theories' about God!We speak of the life we experienceourselves every day.Being a channel of God's love is not always easy in a world that strongly pushes God away.But it is the one life that is more meaningful and fulfilling than anything else.
9 God wants to fill you .
Do not put God in a dusty cornerof your heart and forget about him.He wants to give you so much joy,satisfaction and happiness!He wants to fill you with his own Spirit.This may sound strange, if you'venever heard about it before.I will explain a simple truth to you:You are a spirit. Your body is the residence of your spirit.When your body dies, your spirit, who you are, does not vanish. Your spirit is eternal.In the same way, God is also a Spirit.He is a spirit without a body. He is greater than the tangible.The amazing thing is, that God can fill you with his own Spirit. His breath of power and life can fill you!It is the most wonderful reality there is...
10 Discovering who God is .
Before Jesus Christ left this earth, after fulfilling his task here, he did a promise to those who believed in him. He said: 'I will leave you, but the Father in heaven will send you the holy Spirit, who will be with you, just as I am now with you. He will help you know me much better and he will show you who the Father is.This promise is what I am talking about. God can be in you and with you, just as Jesus promised. This is what you need more than anything else: God who is manifest in your life!
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