"Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming." - Matthew 25:13 NKJV
Military historian John Keegan tells the story of Allied military psychiatrists in World War II. After studying the cases of thousands of soldiers, they learned "that the very first hours of combat disable ten per cent of a fighting force."
Facing battle was such an overwhelming experience that many were broken by the "intensification of the strains." Once the battle had begun, it was too late to prepare, and many panicked, gave up, or were unable to fight.
Preparation also is imperative for our spiritual lives. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of ten virgins who "went out to meet the bridegroom." Five were wise and took "oil in their vessels with their lamps." Even though the bridegroom was delayed, they were ready for him.
But the other five were foolish, and had no oil for their lamps. So, when the bridegroom arrived, the door was shut, and they could not enter. When they asked the bridegroom to open the door, he said, "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you." They weren't ready.
Jesus told this story because He wants us to be ready for His return, now and always. We must remember that this world is passing away and that our focus should be on His Kingdom. We need to be ready to give a testimony, to pray for those with needs, and to commit our time and resources to God and His work.
Are you ready for Jesus to come back and take you home? Have you done everything He wants you to do? Is serving Him your top priority?
Don't delay, and don't wait. Don't leave anything undone that God has called you to do. Make sure that you have been faithful to fulfill His call on your life. Make sure that you are right with God...prepared to serve Him and ready for Jesus' return!
Facing battle was such an overwhelming experience that many were broken by the "intensification of the strains." Once the battle had begun, it was too late to prepare, and many panicked, gave up, or were unable to fight.
Preparation also is imperative for our spiritual lives. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of ten virgins who "went out to meet the bridegroom." Five were wise and took "oil in their vessels with their lamps." Even though the bridegroom was delayed, they were ready for him.
But the other five were foolish, and had no oil for their lamps. So, when the bridegroom arrived, the door was shut, and they could not enter. When they asked the bridegroom to open the door, he said, "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you." They weren't ready.
Jesus told this story because He wants us to be ready for His return, now and always. We must remember that this world is passing away and that our focus should be on His Kingdom. We need to be ready to give a testimony, to pray for those with needs, and to commit our time and resources to God and His work.
Are you ready for Jesus to come back and take you home? Have you done everything He wants you to do? Is serving Him your top priority?
Don't delay, and don't wait. Don't leave anything undone that God has called you to do. Make sure that you have been faithful to fulfill His call on your life. Make sure that you are right with God...prepared to serve Him and ready for Jesus' return!
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